HR Templates | Sample Interview Questions

Reporter Interview Questions and Answers

Use this list of Reporter interview questions and answers to gain better insight into your candidates, and make better hiring decisions.

Reporter overview

When interviewing for a Reporter job, it's crucial to assess the candidate's ability to gather information, write compelling stories, and meet deadlines. Look for creativity, curiosity, and strong communication skills.

Sample Interview Questions

  • Can you tell us about a time you uncovered a big story? What was your process? ️‍ ️

    Purpose: To gauge investigative skills and storytelling ability.

    Sample answer

    I once uncovered a local corruption scandal by following a tip from a source. I spent weeks gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and verifying facts before publishing the story.

  • How do you make your stories visually engaging?

    Purpose: To understand their approach to multimedia and visual storytelling.

    Sample answer

    I always include high-quality photos, infographics, and sometimes even short videos to complement my articles and keep readers engaged.

  • ️ How do you handle tight deadlines without compromising on quality? ⏳

    Purpose: To assess time management and ability to work under pressure.

    Sample answer

    I prioritize tasks, stay organized, and maintain a clear focus on the most critical elements of the story to ensure quality even under tight deadlines.

  • What’s your favorite type of story to cover and why?

    Purpose: To understand their passion and areas of interest.

    Sample answer

    I love covering human interest stories because they allow me to connect with people on a personal level and share their unique experiences with a broader audience.

  • How do you ensure the accuracy of your information?

    Purpose: To evaluate their fact-checking and research skills.

    Sample answer

    I cross-reference multiple sources, verify facts with experts, and always double-check my information before publishing.

  • How do you build and maintain relationships with sources?

    Purpose: To assess networking and interpersonal skills.

    Sample answer

    I build trust by being transparent, respecting confidentiality, and maintaining regular communication with my sources.

  • How do you stay updated with the latest news and trends?

    Purpose: To understand their commitment to staying informed.

    Sample answer

    I follow major news outlets, subscribe to industry newsletters, and use social media to keep up with the latest developments.

  • ️ Can you describe your writing style? ️

    Purpose: To get a sense of their writing voice and style.

    Sample answer

    My writing style is concise yet descriptive, aiming to inform and engage readers without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

  • How do you handle criticism of your work? ️

    Purpose: To evaluate their ability to accept and learn from feedback.

    Sample answer

    I view criticism as an opportunity to improve. I listen carefully, consider the feedback, and make necessary adjustments to my work.

  • What’s the most memorable interview you’ve conducted? ️

    Purpose: To understand their interviewing skills and memorable experiences.

    Sample answer

    The most memorable interview I conducted was with a war veteran who shared his incredible stories of bravery and resilience. It was both humbling and inspiring.

🚨 Red Flags

Look out for these red flags when interviewing candidates for this role:

  • Inability to meet deadlines consistently
  • Lack of curiosity or passion for news
  • Poor writing or communication skills
  • Inability to handle criticism constructively
  • Lack of attention to detail and accuracy