HR Templates | Sample Interview Questions

Rails Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Use this list of Rails Developer interview questions and answers to gain better insight into your candidates, and make better hiring decisions.

Rails Developer overview

When interviewing a Rails Developer, it's crucial to assess their proficiency with Ruby on Rails, understanding of MVC architecture, experience with databases, and ability to write clean, maintainable code. Additionally, evaluating their problem-solving skills and ability to work in a team is essential.

Sample Interview Questions

  • What's your favorite feature of Ruby on Rails and why?

    Purpose: To gauge their enthusiasm and familiarity with Rails.

    Sample answer

    I love the 'Convention over Configuration' principle because it speeds up development and reduces the need for boilerplate code.

  • Can you explain the MVC architecture in Rails? ️

    Purpose: To assess their understanding of the core Rails architecture.

    Sample answer

    Sure! MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. The Model handles the data, the View displays it, and the Controller manages the input and updates the Model.

  • How do you handle database migrations in Rails?

    Purpose: To understand their experience with database management.

    Sample answer

    I use Rails migrations to make changes to the database schema. It's a great way to version control the database structure.

  • What's your approach to testing in Rails?

    Purpose: To evaluate their commitment to writing reliable and maintainable code.

    Sample answer

    I use RSpec for unit tests and Capybara for integration tests. Testing ensures that my code is robust and reduces bugs.

  • How do you optimize the performance of a Rails application?

    Purpose: To see if they can handle performance issues effectively.

    Sample answer

    I use caching, eager loading, and database indexing to optimize performance. Profiling tools like New Relic also help identify bottlenecks.

  • Can you describe a challenging bug you fixed in a Rails app?

    Purpose: To understand their problem-solving skills and experience.

    Sample answer

    I once had to fix a tricky N+1 query issue that was slowing down the app. I used eager loading to resolve it, which significantly improved performance.

  • How do you manage dependencies in a Rails project?

    Purpose: To assess their knowledge of dependency management.

    Sample answer

    I use Bundler to manage gem dependencies. It ensures that all team members are using the same versions of gems.

  • What's your experience with RESTful APIs in Rails?

    Purpose: To evaluate their ability to build and consume APIs.

    Sample answer

    I've built several RESTful APIs using Rails. I use serializers to format the JSON responses and handle authentication with Devise.

  • How do you handle background jobs in Rails? ⏳

    Purpose: To understand their experience with asynchronous processing.

    Sample answer

    I use Sidekiq for background jobs. It allows me to process tasks asynchronously, which improves the app's responsiveness.

  • What's your favorite gem and why?

    Purpose: To see if they stay updated with the Rails ecosystem.

    Sample answer

    I love the 'Devise' gem for authentication. It's flexible, easy to use, and saves a lot of development time.

🚨 Red Flags

Look out for these red flags when interviewing candidates for this role:

  • Lack of understanding of basic Rails concepts.
  • Inability to explain the MVC architecture clearly.
  • No experience with testing or dismissing its importance.
  • Struggles with explaining how to optimize performance.
  • Limited experience with RESTful APIs or background jobs.