HR Templates | Sample Interview Questions

Economist Interview Questions and Answers

Use this list of Economist interview questions and answers to gain better insight into your candidates, and make better hiring decisions.

Economist overview

When interviewing for an Economist position, it's crucial to assess the candidate's analytical skills, understanding of economic theories, and ability to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios. Look for creativity, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills.

Sample Interview Questions

  • If you were an economic superhero ‍ ️, what would your superpower be and why?

    Purpose: To gauge creativity and understand their core economic strengths.

    Sample answer

    My superpower would be 'Inflation Control' because managing inflation is crucial for economic stability and growth.

  • How would you explain the concept of 'opportunity cost' to a 5-year-old?

    Purpose: To assess their ability to simplify complex concepts.

    Sample answer

    Opportunity cost is like choosing between two toys; if you pick one, you can't play with the other.

  • What's your favorite economic theory and how would you apply it to our industry?

    Purpose: To understand their theoretical knowledge and practical application skills.

    Sample answer

    I love the Keynesian theory because it emphasizes the role of government intervention, which can be crucial in stabilizing our industry during economic downturns.

  • If you could have dinner with any economist, dead or alive, who would it be and why? ️

    Purpose: To learn about their influences and inspirations.

    Sample answer

    I would choose John Maynard Keynes because his ideas revolutionized modern economics and I'd love to discuss his thoughts on today's economic challenges.

  • Describe a time when you had to use data to solve an economic problem.

    Purpose: To evaluate their practical experience and problem-solving skills.

    Sample answer

    I once used regression analysis to identify the factors affecting housing prices, which helped a client make informed investment decisions.

  • How do you stay updated with the latest economic trends and news?

    Purpose: To assess their commitment to continuous learning.

    Sample answer

    I regularly read economic journals, follow key economists on social media, and attend industry conferences.

  • What economic indicator do you find most fascinating and why?

    Purpose: To understand their interests and analytical focus.

    Sample answer

    I find the unemployment rate fascinating because it provides insights into the health of the labor market and overall economy.

  • Can you tell us about a time when your economic forecast was wrong? How did you handle it? ️

    Purpose: To evaluate their ability to handle mistakes and learn from them.

    Sample answer

    I once overestimated GDP growth due to unexpected policy changes. I quickly revised my model and communicated the new forecast to stakeholders.

  • If our company was a country, what economic policies would you implement to ensure growth?

    Purpose: To assess their strategic thinking and policy knowledge.

    Sample answer

    I would implement policies to encourage innovation, reduce trade barriers, and invest in education to ensure sustainable growth.

  • What's the most surprising economic fact you've ever learned?

    Purpose: To gauge their curiosity and passion for economics.

    Sample answer

    I was surprised to learn that during the Great Depression, some countries experienced economic growth due to unique policy responses.

🚨 Red Flags

Look out for these red flags when interviewing candidates for this role:

  • Inability to simplify complex concepts.
  • Lack of practical experience with data analysis.
  • Poor understanding of current economic trends.
  • Inflexibility in adapting to new information or mistakes.
  • Lack of enthusiasm or curiosity about economics.